
An aromatic end to the high intensity of darker roasts

brew time: 1:30-2:00 min.
Ground: Medium to Fine
Extraction by: Immersion

With the aeropress you can experiment with endless recipes, all easily replicated due to the absence of turbulence during the pouring phase and the absence of pre-infusion.  

It is perfect for lovers of darker roasts: the most intense flavors and coffee drinks with more defined nuances, with more classic aromatic notes and rounder and creamier bodies. Beverages with various tastes and aromatic profiles can be created, both hot and cold brews.

The Aeropress

It is a plunger coffee maker made up of two polypropylene cylinders that extracts coffee solubles using the immersion principle. It was invented by Adam Adler in 2005 in an attempt to reduce the bitterness of coffee in dark roasts, and enhance the sweetness through extraction with lower temperatures and longer contact time.

In an immersion extraction, the contact time is the variable over which we have absolute control. In general, the longer we leave the coffee to immerse in the water, the more soluble we will extract and vice versa.

We should be wary of the ground and roast of the coffee of our choice, since the wrong choices could lead us to extract too many solubles and taste, in some cases, an astringent sensation.

On the other hand, too little contact time could generate a cup with little aromatic complexity, too acidic and without aftertaste.

The material from which the aeropress is built makes this method the ideal coffee machine for sportspeople, travelers and people who want to start interacting with the world of quality coffee. And as always, also suitable for more expert coffee addicts who seek to experiment.

What we need





Digital scale


Step by Step

Heat the water to 185-201ºF: look for large bubbles on the pot or kettle's bottom, the ideal temperature is from then until when these bubbles create "strings" rising to the top of the surface.


Pre-heat the aeropress to prevent thermal shock from influencing the volatile aromas of the coffee.


Use a ratio between water and coffee of 16:1 (3 tablespoons per cup of water).
Darker roasts highlight notes of: Toast, bitter cocoa and nuts. Lighter roasts highlight notes of: Berries, dried fruit, chocolate.


Place the ground coffee in the base of the aeropress, level it parallel to the surface by tapping it lightly in the sides with your hand.


Rinse the filter with warm water to remove residues from the treatment of the paper and aromas that can contaminate the coffee and make it adhere to the surface of the lid. The filter can be made of 2 materials:
The paper filter: Filters out more fine particles giving the cup a better cleanliness. The metal filter: Lets in more fine particles, giving the cup a higher viscosity.


Pour the water making sure that all the coffee is moistened equally.


Stir slightly to prevent lumps from forming between the finer particles of the ground coffee.


Close the aeropress and push out the air that has formed in the piston. Wait 2:00 minutes for infusion.


Making sure the plunger is parallel to the surface, filter slowly for about 30 seconds.


Stop filtering before hearing the hiss, this will prevent from extracting bitter substances.